HC8 rewards sneak peak *spoilers inside*


Active member
My guess is that the second tier (the footprints) will be more then 5k. 5.5k or 6k. More quests were added etc… we will see next week..
My guess is that they will have a mimic like event, except the vendor will be a Golden Mimic vendor that is HC only. The vendor will carry cosmetics and possebly mounts (using the new account unlock mechanic).
You will gather Golden Mimic tokens to get the some of the rewards. Other rewards will be progress bound as usual.


Rumble Creator and Wiki editor
keep safe mac if you see an issue report it to the guild or a guild leader of the major guilds we have a list we make every season that is a black list and a trouble maker list.... its something we make cause there isn't much else players can do about trolls and griefers on HC as the dev's won't do anything if you die so the major guilds tend to take matters into our own hands and problem players tend to either continue griefing pugs or they drop out cause they can't find anyone cause any name they use ends up found out fast.... as long as you stay in a major guild or keep inContact with one generally you will be safe.
My Guess is that they target the expansion for around end july, start august. And last time they dropped an expansion mid league a lot of people went crying on the forums. Yeah, some people will use anything as an excuse to complain...
fair enough. and ya they will. i can't fathom a reason that would be a problem, save any bugs it introduces (but that's any major update to the game).
First ever HC run. Very excited. Can't choose between about 4 different builds, which is perfect as I'll probably get to try them all as I continually die :)
Welcome! Sadly you have joined a shorter season for your first. But still glad you will be joining us. You of course can always have multiple toons active. That way, as you level up, they can incidentally farm for each other.
My guess is that they will have a mimic like event, except the vendor will be a Golden Mimic vendor that is HC only. The vendor will carry cosmetics and possebly mounts (using the new account unlock mechanic).
You will gather Golden Mimic tokens to get the some of the rewards. Other rewards will be progress bound as usualT
This is exactly what i sumised - wish i could hyperlink it


The People's Champion

I'm guessing the 7 lost pieces of the dragon's hoard are for the footprints?

I wonder if they're going more "nebula frag" things hiding in quests that players need to find method. That was fun when everyone came together to find all those altars.


The People's Champion
but hopefully not as rare as a nebula fragment
If they're static, it could be a server-wide scavenger hunt to find the golden chests (same way we hunted as a team for the nebula altars). If they're not static locations and RNG based then <sigh>.


:ninja:The reason for a 2-level lockout is so this will actually be a difficult HC season. Anyone can sleepwalk through to level 20 with a 4-level lockout.
BUT I do agree with Mary on most downsides. Tough call...:unsure: