Seems like it would be best to put this on hold until we see how things shake out now with the following announcement from SSG.
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You can count on me!!Well it has been almost 10 years I think it might be time for another visit.
This event is in response to proposed changes in U60
A link the old forum post on the old forum.
Since it is clear from the last two forum threads about the intended changes coming in U60 and alternative solutions mentioned by many of us are not being heard or listened to at all I guess the next step is clear.
I propose during the upcoming 4th of July we all stop buying items from the store and simply reoccupy Stormreach just like we did before.
Market bridge all characters all accounts log in and simply stand together in protest to show our solidarity. It worked before and it can work again.
No quests, No purchases, Lots of LFMS in protest, lets open the flood gates and OCCUPY STORMREACH all over again.
In order to see that this is not just a DDO forum thing I and hopefully others will be blasting it out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Discord Channels and any other social media outlets to make this the biggest event in DDO History. Let's make this 4th of July count.
This event will begin at 8am CST July 4th and will continue until SSG comes up with a clear solution to the problem they have put forward that does not hurt us the players or them.
There have been so many conflicting dev posts as to what they are trying to achieve that it is clear to me that it is time they heard our voices clearly.
I don't have them all so if you post them I will consolidate them here in hopes of showing just how disorganized they are.
We've had a lot of great feedback in this thread, but one thing that we haven't seen a lot of feedback on is suggestions to get players back to the XP/minute and general questing speed that was taking place prior to Update 59. We have seen a very significant increase in general speed of play...
"it may well be that the final product that is released does impact for some players xp/minute calculations"
We are doing some updates to the XP system to increase incentives for killing monsters, and to make it a little less confusing. This all ties into a series of changes to make running past large numbers of encounters a less desirable behavior because of what it does to our servers due to pathing costs.