Crystal Cove has returned!


aka Cybersquirt
The last two tiers of the flask are basically the same, except that the top tier cures more than three times as many HPs. That may sound significant, but since it is only once every 5 minutes it generally doesn't make much difference. For the past several years I've found the flask more useful for the occasional Restoration than actual healing.

Crystal Cove has a lot of gear which used to be very good. It was also the first really 'involved' festival with interesting things to do. Thus, it has a lot of nostalgia value for many players. However, the rewards have definitely gotten more than a bit outdated as the game has evolved. They've refreshed the rewards a few times, but they still don't really keep up with other options.
That flask is a waste.

My Epic 30, first life paladin wears that Calvary Plate proudly.

The rewards aren't supposed to refresh. I'm glad they honor the old system with the chest in the pub. So I'm one of those players.

The loot from the wilderness chest was WAY better, IMHO, than previously.. at least on night one :) But I ran the gambit before shutdown today and hit 3 Red-Name pirates and got a bunch of emeralds or sapphires + coins, all a roll but I've never seen so many red-name pirates in the wilds before! It was friggin' AWESOME!

Way better than running for green shards and getting my butt handed to me :ROFLMAO:

eta: 3 red-named pirates in a row! It may have taken me 10 minutes to kill 'em but by goddess, I got it dun!
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Well-known member
My son and I had so much fun running the cove. The Kobold dialogue was hysterical!

Is the rum flask worth it? DDO Wiki suggests the top tier is bugged.
If you do a flask of rum, I would not upgrade it past the lvl 9 version. The lvl 11 version with Heal doesn't actually provide any of the curative effects other than the HP.


Active member
I am skipping this boring event like do every year I play, I only do Mabar and then ignore every other event. Good luck folks, I just do not enjoy this event.
Well some of us still do. Sorry you don’t. I won’t spend a lot of time there but it’s a change of pace so I’ll swing by!


Well-known member
Not true, the lvl 11 version does remove negative levels. I use mine for that all the time.
Restoration is what is removing the negative levels. The Level 9 version includes these effects: Cure Critical Wounds & Restoration.

Per the wiki regarding the Level 11 version with Heal:
  • The Tier 11 "Heal" effect only restores HP and does not currently provide the other benefits of Heal like removing status effects.
