Devs, you fixing the frame rate issue?


Well-known member
I'm on the game quite a few hours a day. I usually need only one quit/log back in to fix the issue. It's not the worst workaround until the devs fix the problem.


if you die to game shutting down because you're playing in lower resolution than DDO thinks your computer should run, when you relog and res'ed you lose half of your spell DC and this is not recoverable until you restart the client again.
Can you tell me more about this? How to exactly duplicate this?


The People's Champion
Can you tell me more about this? How to exactly duplicate this?
I think (could be wrong) they're talking about if they die (and then disconnect before being ressed) that they come back into the game broken and missing a ton of stats (which logging out while dead is known to do).
That's not a memory leak, that's failure to clear client-side data that's no longer in use.

A memory leak is failure to clear any data which is supposed to be discarded and no longer in use. Client-side data is stored in memory on your computer. So "failure to clear client-side data that's no longer in use" is a memory leak.


I'm on the game quite a few hours a day. I usually need only one quit/log back in to fix the issue. It's not the worst workaround until the devs fix the problem.

I am trying to do the anniversary event which has like 8 loading screens not counting enter and exit. I think each of these loading screens contributes to frame drop so after 3 anniversary runs I'm already noticing the lag. It starts to be unmanagable on the 4th and 5th run where I have no choice but to restart the client. It takes like 2 minutes to completely restart and login and load my character in DDO for me. I mean, in theory it's not unmanagable but it sure is irritating when I can run ESO on max settings and only at the most intensive moments drop below 60fps.