Ki Bolt, Magic Missiles, and Ruin Make Muggle Monks Moan


Well-known member
I'm laying out a somewhat tested, somewhat anecdotal, and some just plain hilarious monk.

It has three cornerstones for monster gibbing dps, works for any enhancement tree monk has available to it, with a variety of splashes, and I'm going to show the simpler pure 20 Henshin version.

The first cornerstone is adding proc damage to ki bolt (and other ki spells), so that proc damage gains 3x melee power scaling. This is like addign sneak damage to adrenaline.

Note that those procs may or may not have their own scaling as well. For example, draconic mantle also has its own spell power scaling, so the total ki bolt hits like a truck:


Draconic mantle is on a 5 second cooldown, so you can toss a ki bolt at mobs every 5 seconds or so and watch it melt. Until update 66, this mantle is commonly overwritten by various other casters with same mantles and weapon and caster procs (elemental attunement rings, dripping with magma, melftfang/acid dot on weapons, etc.), so you can pick uncommon (air/poison/negative) channels, or whatnot if you want. I picked acid for tanking synergy. Poison is max dps with NiS and alchemist splash to break immunity, electricity is least likely to be overwritten by others. They all have their pros and cons, and you can swap the gear up for whatever you pick.

Monk Ki spells are divine due to being on SF list, but don't seem to benefit from divine augmentation on at least the ring that has both arcane and divine agumentation. Ki Spells will increment Arcane Warrior, except wave which is bugged and instead reduces your arcane warrior stacks to 0. They are also considered force or untyped spells despite also dealing fire damage.

The second cornerstone is the standard adrenaline + boulder's might. But that's covered everywhere else, so I'll just mention it. Every 8-9 ish seconds or so, depending on Update 66 nerfs. Due to causing helpless, will combine with first cornerstone for hilarious damage numbers. Other epic strikes also have their own various pros/cons.

The third cornerstone is PL:Wiz and Greater Ruin, preferably Ruin Intensified. I'm showing the T5 US version of the build, but if you want more dps, you can take T5 draconic instead. Missiles debuff, and the Greater (intensified?) Ruin cast right after will take things out. This has 10 charges per shrine, and will eat up 1.5k mana. Soloing a PUG raid takes ~350 mana, leaving 1.1k, but I don't have Wellspring/Ruin/GRuin base mana below and epic level spell cost reduction which will give you the rest you need, as will reaper mana globes:


So your monk is in Unyielding (renewal), Draconic (mantle), and FoTW (adrenaline+boulder's). Above I'm in T5 Unyielding for tanking, and don't have ruins or adrenaline, but this is just my test exploratory build. Although it isn't optimal, test build can solo PUG raids reasonably well. Race is whatever gives you what you want (run speed + staff attacks here), but can be Aasimar Fallen for more power/hamp/vulnerability.

Since your toolbars are now full of cornerstone dps combos and healing and defense, simplify it by dropping all the weaker monk abilities, like void strike, ELCAS, fists of iron, quivering palm, and all monk strikes and finishers, as well as all falconry attacks (basically we are culling all the heroic abilities for epic abilities). The #1 toolbar then drops GMOF Strike, Wave, Cauldron, and US T5 for Adrenaline + Boulder and MM + GRuin, moving Cauldron to 2nd rarely hit row next to acid debuffing.

Gearing: Hybrid, example below. Poison or negative Draconic will use raid gloves. Other elements swaps ToEE sets. Uncentered gear sets use GMoF Inner Focus and Orchid Blossom for Ki generation.

Set Name
DPS Goggles Acid LoreIns. SpellsightSpell SavesWizMonolith(2)Melee PowerAcid PowerPRRIns. Dex
Tank Goggles Q ConPRRInciteFalse LifeMonolith(2)Melee PowerAcid PowerPRRConcentration
Helm Scale-Acid Crit DmgFang-Acid Crit DmgClaw-Acid Crit DmgHorn-GhostlyDeacon(3)Crit - AllCrit Dmg LegendaryMRR CapArt USPDemonheartCrystal Tea
Neck Armor PiercingDiversionQual AccImp. DeceptionMonolith(2)Luck
Trinket's_Hunting_HornConShelteringDeceptionSpeedDread Isles Curse (5)Profane StuffsDodgeMelee Power
Armor Do not have to be centered, can wear heavier armor and use GMoF for Ki generation.Scale-FortificationFang-SneakClaw-Positive CritHorn-ResistanceDeacon(3)PomurasGreater Heroism
Wrist-Artifact PenDread Isles Curse (5)UndyingUltimatum
Waist Ins. ShelteringStrengthDread Isles Curse (5)GlobeFestive Con
Ring AttunementWiz - ElementalCold LoreGlaciationChained Elementals (2)Crit - ElemSP - ElemProtectionNatural Armor
Ring 2 Fire AttunementArcane AugmentationCombustionFire LoreChained Elementals (2)SpellcraftIns. Con
Boots PotencyQual PotencyQual WisdisplacementFestive Wis
Gloves CritDevotionHealing LoreVitalityDread Isles Curse (5)Ins. WisdomMaster's Gift
WeaponAny: IOD Staff/Wraps/Kukri/Dwarven Axe + Tower Shield/Throwing Dagger + Runearm, etc.Scale-Acid DmgFang-5% Spell CritClaw-CorrosionHorn-AshDread Isles Curse (5)Impulse/Eye of LammaniaSouleater

Filigree (Divine Crusaders swaps fort/HAMP for more melee power)QtyFilligree MP
Citys MP
Longshadow MP
Treachery MP
Sucker MP
Mechanic Fort
Citys Fort
One MP
Purity/Touch Hamp
Purity Hamp

Feats*THFx3(start str 13 take at monk2)
S2P(monk 6)
Combat Experitise (2 cornerstone) or precision/power attack (3)(monk 1)
Weapon FocusX2 (2 Cornerstone) or toughnessx2 (3 Cornerstone)(non-strikethrough monks take WWA if lacking chains)
PL:Wiz (3 Cornerstone) or Weapon Focus (2 Cornerstone)
toughness (deflect if race doesn't have it)(non-strikethrough monks take WWA if lacking chains)
SkillsSpellcraft (not tumble past 1 rank, as it is lower than sprint boosted monk)
EpicOC or Epic DR
Patience (2 Cornerstone) or Wellspring (3 Cornerstone)
Epic Reflexes (2 Cornerstone) Ruin (3 Cornerstone)Max + Levels Con
Eerie Aim Epic (2 Cornerstone) Greater Ruin (3 Cornerstone)
Bulwark or Wellspring, depending on ED points if you can reach T4 Draconic or T4 US
DestinyTHF#4*Note this is a centered melee feat setup, but this build
Arcane Warrioralso works for ranged, S&B, and any combat style.
Acid Spell PowerPick feats per whatever you are building.
Scion of Earth (Arborea if using QQ), Titan's Blood

Spell powers (don't have ruins or force augment) are solid, and buff further in reaper, with potions, arcane warrior stacks, etc:

Enhancement sample, but really you just need ki bolt.

End with a well-rounded monk with 5, 8-9, and 15 second cornerstone attacks, strong healing, decent tanking, highly mobile, with some CC. So you will end up with an epic instead of heroic monk, which gets more and more important the further you level away from heroic levels and abilities.

R1 (50% more than EE) Bullywogs with Darling to unlock chests is very fast way to farm IOD materials. 5 chests per 10:00.
R1 Spiders and flies killing spider opt then winging to end boss and killing and recalling/resetting without completing is also super fast 2 chest + named farm. 2 chests per 3:00
R1 crab dino opt is also super fast 1 chest per 1:30
R1 dino opt at base of stone crypt is also super fast 1 chest per 1:30
IOD rares loop is west of town gate to lion, sw to crab and golem, nw to mummy north through trex to bear, east to ettercaps, south dip to triceratops, way north to lizard thingy, east giant, crest boss, then south to water weird. Explorer is optimal for Trex Teeth and black pearls, dungeons are optimal for everything else.

The fortification and HAMP native to Divine Crusader frees up more filigree for melee power, plus various benefits.
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long live ROGUE
hey, nice stuff, what about using Elemental words? You can rapid fire all four right after each other for vulnerability stacking but I assume you chose acid for boosting the acid DoT dot?

I can see how Sting of the Ninja doubling the poison damage must be insane, especially with a high crit weapon doing it fast.


Well-known member
Ya. Knock yourself out, but everything other than raid bosses will die fast enough it won't matter, and raid bosses you only have to contribute some vulnerability, not stack it solo (unless of course you are soloing it, ahahah).

Yes, then add Time Stop on top, and go for half million dot ticks with full raid debuffs, while also tossing Adrenalines into the mix.

My testing concludes that cornerstone FoTW is ~10% faster solo raid clears for a given setup than flavor GMoF on a monk. If you group with DC casters and only need to kill champs, reapers, and red names, swapping to cornerstone FoTW from flavor GMoF will result in a much higher % of increased efficiency.

Still missing a cornerstone, but expecting the same result of another 10% faster solo clears, and a substantially higher % effectiveness grouped picking up Ruins.
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Mantle Damage x CL x Ki bolt damage mod (3 x MP) x Spell Power = non crit damage
Level 25
125 melee power
175 spell power
(1d6+6) x 25) x 3 x 1.25 x 1.75 = ~1476
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Well-known member
It's a long chain of multiplication, best to think about it in simpler terms.

We are replacing level 2-15 heroic monk abilities with epic and legendary dps abilities which are levels 20-30. The result iis a monk with epic and legendary dps and healing. This is especially necessary because of nerfs to same abilities (Quivering Palm), Void Strike not being allowed to strike through and being cut in half with multistrike change, and ELCAS not being allowed to strike through and cut in half with multistrike change), various monk strikes and finishers reduced with multistrike changes. Because Drifting Lotus and EIN were also nerfed, as well as SD imbue, we move to FoTW for the only remaining melee dps strike, and back it up with the only dps caster ED. PA or US for healing, since EA healing requires mantle. By basic process of (SSG) elimination, SSG designed this FoTW + Draconic DPS + US build for us.

The only heroic monk abilities that functions on it's own I like is Quick Strike and abundent step.
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That seems close enough. I would like to point out that this also works for Sacred Fist as they have access to some of the same spells. It seems like you could make an interesting flavor build but its all dependent on some low level spell calculations that are too easy to ruin with something like "not working as intended"

Still the gear needed to try it out isn't that hard to get


Well-known member
The point of the build isn't really the build iteself, you can vary it, but more of understanding how to build a powerful epic/legendary character by rotation of epic and legendary abilities, editing heroic abilities out. Ya SF can use the same build, but this is how I build everything, trying to make rotations of epic/legendary attacks.

Who knows, maybe if they nerf this you find an even more powerful monk or even SF build from mastering this.
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Well-known member
That seems close enough. I would like to point out that this also works for Sacred Fist
Yes, but SF isn't really that great a class at high reaper, because it lacks mobility, dodge, instakills, and CC of monk, so when mobs start 1-2 shotting, they can't get out of the way, can't cc, can't dodge, can't 1 shot back, and because of the self healing penalty also can't self-heal. It makes an all-right healer for backline, tossing ki bolts and heals, but it shouldn't be a constant front line melee at least at level of difficulties I play in.

If there were tanks commonly in high reaper groups SF would become functional, but there generally aren't. Even I can't figure out how to make one work outside of a splash for ranged builds for competence %HP (SF defender tree doesn't require medium or plate). I was close to a build I was willing to play with a SF AA/FoK RP+force + acid ki bolt build but I never fully designed it out.
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Well-known member
My testing seemed to show that a draconic mantle proc off ki bolt has 3x *spellpower* scaling, and no melee power scaling.

Also, ruin should not be boosted by ash (except for the additional damage from t5 draconic), as force/untyped are not affected by mrr.


Well-known member
My testing seemed to show that a draconic mantle proc off ki bolt has 3x *spellpower* scaling, and no melee power scaling.

Edit for clarity: yea Praetor is right, it isn't 100% crit, but I'm using it here to map to crit screenshots. Test the DoT.

Also, ruin should not be boosted by ash (except for the additional damage from t5 draconic), as force/untyped are not affected by mrr.

Yes, the MRR will help the T5 Draconic part only of it.
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Well-known member
I tested the drac mantle proc from ki bolt on a pure monk, changing melee power and spellpower separately. Pretty sure it's just 3x spellpower, no melee power.


Well-known member
Mantle Damage x CL x Ki bolt damage mod (3 x MP) x Spell Power = non crit damage
Level 25
125 melee power
175 spell power
(1d6+6) x 25) x 3 x 1.25 x 1.75 = ~1476
Fundamental math errors here.
First, 125 melee power would be 4.75 multiplier (100% base + 125% x 3)
Then, 175 SP would be 2.75 multiplier.

This isn't exactly how it appears to be working either, but remembering that 125 spell power is 225% damage should still be useful later on :)


Well-known member
I like where this is going. It is just really hard to step away from PA mantle. I do have a character that could use a Monk life toward Completionist and Tabaxi is fun as hell to play so trying to cypher it out. 95% of the gear I use is caster based and can wrap my mind around playing a Henshin Mystic like a caster as the SF lives I did felt supah castery.


Well-known member
Who says this doesn't level smoothly with PA? PA is superior for levels 20-22. ;) Here is the two cornerstone ED setup. To build into the full three cornerstone setup, swap weapon focus for toughness feats, and go max + levels Con instead of wisdom, also grabbing T5 draconic instead of US.


I didn't fully realize how nerfed monk abilities were at cap so didn't build for all three cornerstones, and I can't epic reincarnate into all three cornerstones because I already have all past lives. Wisdom is for building a heroic ability monk, since that is what drives those abilities. Con is for surviving while using epic and legendary abilities. So I screwed up my test build and can only describe the third cornerstone, but SSG loves emptying trees except for T5 and capstones, so you can rest assured T5 draconic exists for a reason and contains a major part of draconic power. T5 US does as well, but can be replaced with Con/Toughness. Updated OP with build out to 2 vs. 3 cornerstones.

Once you run all 3 cornerstones, another surprising splash will come to you, already set up with the bound elemental ring. I'm going to stop my build help here and let you take over and discover the fourth cornerstone on your own. You're welcome. Rolls credits.

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long live ROGUE
Tilo you wrote that elemental attunement overrides the Draconic mantle ticks? So if I were to spec a fire version of this, having a fire alchemical attunement would risk blocking the tics? Or will it help? I was thinking of a SWF build for 40 MP out of vistani, then going up Henshin for more melee power. I have some gear that could buff fire spell power but was wondering if it was a bad idea using something like Perfected Cinderfingers or some other alchemical fire attunement.

Or is fire not the best? I am not using raid gear for this trial run and it will be some time before I get the toon to cap, bilit want to play around with this. Even if I am doing 1/2 damage that is fine for what I need the toon to do.


Well-known member
Elemental attunement dots override draconic dots, until next update when I hear they will be independent. Fire attunement isn't a dot, so won't override draconic fire dot, but dripping with magma will until next update.


Well-known member
We can also both be correct and different, because this attacks as a hybrid differently than a pure caster, using both physical and magical channels in rotation!


Well-known member
@ 28, on 20 HeM Tabaxi. Have 12 in PA w/Mantle, First 2 cores and Renewal in US and the rest in Shadowdancer.

I tried out some adrenaline strikes and was underwhelmed at least for leveling. The Assassinate DC in SD makes QP nearly 85-90% effective but it won't strike through (is this the nerf you mentioned?)

Earth Wind and Fire will strike through and is hilarious.

I didn't get PL Wiz or Ruin because I lack any gear to proc debuffs with PL Wiz MM but it seems fun.

At 29 when I have on a good gear set I'll check out the Draconic Mantle for esses and gees and curiosity 8D but don't spend time playing at cap to feel it's full benefit.