
Discount Gandalf

Active member
Rumour has it that the multiboxing with auto follow got us some serious nerfs recently. So there's the impact, and it's not minor if you ask me.

It's totally weak that SSG allows this.
That doesn't make any sense. You know why?

They could have just banned people for multiboxing, if that were the case.

Scapegoating never ends well. Best to avoid it entirely.


Well-known member
They could have just banned people for multiboxing, if that were the case.
Only if they don't mind loosing lawsuits. They've explicitly stated multiboxing was OK.

BTW, I did think about using the follow tool, but not open-source = big red-flags: it's stealing DDO credentials, they're "at war" with SSG and don't want them to be able to easily invalidate their efforts, and/or they don't want someone else to leverage it (for either criminal or other purposes). All of which combines into "hell no".

Removing the EA aura is only a minor nerf in an auto-bot. If you're OK with the effort and risk, there's still warlock and bard TMP HP auras, both of which have more range than the EA aura had. Die hard auto-followers could do MUCH better running a herd of PMs with a negative warlock/bard in the mix. I think the hassle will result in a net loss in both progress and sanity, but heh, YMMV.

SSG would gain so much more from a hire fix than auto-follow nerfs, anyway. ONE new working hire would kill off most of the motivation to suffer the hassle of multiboxing. Auto-match the summoner's level. Support simple hire-play choices: HEAL, melee, ranged, blast, cc, and trap. Voila, hire problem fixed going forward. As a bonus, voice it. A good VA could have a lot of fun there with very little studio time.

Want to make money on that new working hire? Make it the bonus on the new expansion. Sell it in the store as a gold-seal. And, tease it by letting folks use it for free for a week or so (long before the expansion goes on sale .. you want more ultra-pack sales, right?).

Worried people will never buy another hire? Don't be. Make the voice fun enough and people will "collect them all". It's a game. People in general are more than OK with monetizing fun fluff and will happily line up to pay for it.


Well-known member
The whole concept of multiboxing is still very weird to me, it never occured to me to create a second account. And I don´t think I ever will do it in any game, especially if I have to pay for the same content multiple times...


Murder Hobo
The whole concept of multiboxing is still very weird to me, it never occured to me to create a second account. And I don´t think I ever will do it in any game, especially if I have to pay for the same content multiple times...
The free DDO quest codes, along with making most races & classes free to play, made secondary accounts a lot more accessible.


Well-known member
I wish the terms "Dual boxing" and Multiboxing was used consistently. In my mind they are not the same thing.
To a point they are. All dual-boxes are multi-boxes. Not all multi-boxes are dual-boxes (ie running three clients would qualify as multi-boxing but not dual-boxing).


Well-known member
The free DDO quest codes, along with making most races & classes free to play, made secondary accounts a lot more accessible.
That was the floodgate that started people having 6+ accounts on at the same time. I wonder how many new players vs. alt accounts we actually gained.


Well-known member
To a point they are. All dual-boxes are multi-boxes. Not all multi-boxes are dual-boxes (ie running three clients would qualify as multi-boxing but not dual-boxing).

maybe i'm completely out of the loop nowdays but this is how I always understood it.

Multiboxing implies a client-side script and (usually) a subscription (or other type) of service that parses DDO servers for game information that is then manipulated (with-in normal operational parameters that DDO dictates) and re-broadcasted to listening agents. In the best of situations this is all done on one computer and the script is mapped to one keyboard which is controlled by a living human to effectively control multiple accounts at the same time - you push one button and 4 guys shoot their bows, one guy throws a mass heal and the master client tanks. etc.

Dual boxing is some person using two or more accounts (on one or more computers) to run one character up at a time and switching back and forth between accounts and pushing a button on each account to make anything move... some clever people can "automate" this a little with keyboard macros and macro apps, but for the most part when one account is in motion the other 3,4,6 ... whatever accounts, are inactive.

Or that's the way I see.


Well-known member
maybe i'm completely out of the loop nowdays but this is how I always understood it.

Multiboxing implies a client-side script and (usually) a subscription (or other type) of service that parses DDO servers for game information that is then manipulated (with-in normal operational parameters that DDO dictates) and re-broadcasted to listening agents. In the best of situations this is all done on one computer and the script is mapped to one keyboard which is controlled by a living human to effectively control multiple accounts at the same time - you push one button and 4 guys shoot their bows, one guy throws a mass heal and the master client tanks. etc.

Dual boxing is some person using two or more accounts (on one or more computers) to run one character up at a time and switching back and forth between accounts and pushing a button on each account to make anything move... some clever people can "automate" this a little with keyboard macros and macro apps, but for the most part when one account is in motion the other 3,4,6 ... whatever accounts, are inactive.

Or that's the way I see.

I've always viewed it as previously mentioned. Dual = 2. Multi = any number above 1, usually 3+.

What you describe above I would simply refer to as using software to help with -boxing vs not. Awesome-AF auto-follow uses a script to, well, auto-follow a target. ISBoxer is a program that has shared keyboard functionality, thus your W press for forward movement is transmitted to all active accounts at the same time instead of just one.


Well-known member
Dual boxing is some person using two or more accounts (on one or more computers) to run one character up at a time and switching back and forth between accounts and pushing a button on each account to make anything move... some clever people can "automate" this a little with keyboard macros and macro apps, but for the most part when one account is in motion the other 3,4,6 ... whatever accounts, are inactive.

Or that's the way I see.
No you can run and control 2 toons at the same time and move them around without maros. 1 doesn't sit idle.

I use 2 computers, 2 monitors, 2 keyboards, 2 mice, and sometimes foot pedals. People have been doing this in music for a long time:

EDIT ~ I've quad boxed this way. Getting older and I find it hard to play 3 at a time, so now I'm down to 2. I prefer to use a standing desk for this.


Only if they don't mind loosing lawsuits. They've explicitly stated multiboxing was OK.

BTW, I did think about using the follow tool, but not open-source = big red-flags: it's stealing DDO credentials, they're "at war" with SSG and don't want them to be able to easily invalidate their efforts, and/or they don't want someone else to leverage it (for either criminal or other purposes). All of which combines into "hell no".

Removing the EA aura is only a minor nerf in an auto-bot. If you're OK with the effort and risk, there's still warlock and bard TMP HP auras, both of which have more range than the EA aura had. Die hard auto-followers could do MUCH better running a herd of PMs with a negative warlock/bard in the mix. I think the hassle will result in a net loss in both progress and sanity, but heh, YMMV.

SSG would gain so much more from a hire fix than auto-follow nerfs, anyway. ONE new working hire would kill off most of the motivation to suffer the hassle of multiboxing. Auto-match the summoner's level. Support simple hire-play choices: HEAL, melee, ranged, blast, cc, and trap. Voila, hire problem fixed going forward. As a bonus, voice it. A good VA could have a lot of fun there with very little studio time.

Want to make money on that new working hire? Make it the bonus on the new expansion. Sell it in the store as a gold-seal. And, tease it by letting folks use it for free for a week or so (long before the expansion goes on sale .. you want more ultra-pack sales, right?).

Worried people will never buy another hire? Don't be. Make the voice fun enough and people will "collect them all". It's a game. People in general are more than OK with monetizing fun fluff and will happily line up to pay for it.
I wonder how much people would spend on hirelings if they were permanent instead of temporary. I would definitely fill out my roster a bit- there are a few level ranges where my gold seal hirelings from expansions get a bit thin and getting a few good healers and trappers would be really handy, but I don't think I've ever seen people running the consumable gold seal hireling contracts. The regular contracts are usually sufficient (you don't need to bring multiple healer hirelings for a dungeon, or at least I hope not) but I could see paying for the convenience of never having to remember where the appropriate hireling vendors for my current level range lives again. I wouldn't even mind the current broken AI if it was a permanent trapper/healer I could just drag to me when I needed.


Well-known member
spend on hirelings if they were permanent
Zero. I have enough permanent hires already to fill a group. They're too annoying to use for other than occasional odd jobs.

A hire that had voiced interactions similar or better than a sentient jewel, that matched summoner's level, and that actually did it's job? Yes, those I'd consider, but SSG has such a rotten track record on hires, I'd have to see it in action before I'd use one.


Well-known member
Better hirelings and hireling ai would be great, but I don't think that is related to multiboxing at all. Sure, sometimes having a trapper box run up when needed is nice, and sometimes if positioned right can make some fights easier if you bring them up for that... but the main thing most people (that I know) multibox for is to increase chances for desired loot from chests while not having to deal with other people. Hirelings can't loot chests.


aka Cybersquirt
Oh dear lord another 'I don't like the way those people play! Devs you need to stop them!' thread.

Last time this happened, tumble got wrecked.
100% Just leave the group, right?! Ugh.. here we go..

Some people like doing it, I think it's a pain and tedious.

With so few people playing the game it makes no sense to bother people who like to do it. Also when people have more than one account they get packs and stuff for those accounts in some cases. SSG would lose money on it.
I just started doing it. Aye, tedious.. *But 2x -Xx Loot Chance.

I started multiboxing because I've had too many negative experiences with other people, so it became a solo game as I'd rather enjoy being by myself than dealing with trolls, griefers, and a-holes.
I've been soloing for a long time, cause a-holes.. n agree mbox adds another level to gameplay - suddenly I hear combat but the main has no enemies..Good Fun! :p
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Well-known member
Also, can you kill off your mylti-box characters grab their stones and solo the quest and rezz them at end chest?

What's the best way to kill charcaters?
Turn off auras, strip them of defensive gear, go aggro a huge mob. Or go lava diving. Or drown. Or a combination of mobs and lava....depends on the quest really. And how hard your character is to kill......a properly build barbarian...fuggitabout. You're gonna have to run that bugger along with your lead.


Well-known member
most people (that I know) multibox for is to increase chances for desired loot
Reasons I'm aware of for multibox:
  1. Healing (zoneline buff-bard).
  2. Looting (extra chest chance).
  3. Opening (elite & quest chain skip)
  4. (maybe) high survive ballad/aura in a raid clump
I kinda backed into it; the free pack/etc unlock made it free/cheap; that was the eye-opener. Saw others do buff-bots in raids and liked having one. Needed to level said buff-bot for raiding and thus learned Option #1 was far nicer than hires because the entire hassle happens outside the quest instead of during (moving the bot from quest to quest beats babysitting hires during combat).

Pondered what else I could use the bot for and started using it for Option #2. It's why I added runspeed and leaps -- dash for the chest.

Doubt I'll ever do #3; that would mean I'm making a determined effort to play heroic and so far I've just become more and more determined to avoid heroic as much as I can.

Not sure if anyone has done #4; I think I can maybe make a hands-off ballad bard that can live through some incidental raid-mechs and provide ballad aura to a DPS clump, but it's only up to the "on paper" stage. Not tried to make it real, but I probably will at some point.

TL;DR working hires would only eliminate #1, but I think that covers the primary reason people might not group as or with multi-boxers. More groupies in the pool is always a good thing.


Well-known member
IS there a KILL command?? /kill ??
Yes. But using it requires knowledge of how it works.

/death will kill your character if he is incapped. Otherwise it will send your character to it's bind point. /death is one of the only ways I can kill some of my barbarians when I need it to happen.

GrayJedi AntiProPaladin

Well-known member
how hard your character is to kill......a properly build barbarian...fuggitabout. You're gonna have to run that bugger along with your lead.

I mean, if the purpose is for the mb characters to immediately be soulstones for a backpack ride (not really how I'd play it but to each their own heh) said barbarian won't be doing any fighting anyways...then suppose could just unset all enhancement trees before stepping in the quest in addition to not equipping any armor or anything, except perhaps that greensteel recommendation as above
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