New VIP Loyalty Reward Plan ... Thoughts ?


aka Cybersquirt
This is a pretty tough crowd.
There's competition in MMO's, not the least of which is SSG's 'sister program,' LoTRO. But SSG still seems content to milk players, because Dungeons and Dragons? Now I know what it feels like to be unloved.. not quite as bad as the "Premium" daily Gold rolls of a few years ago (VIP got squat,) but not much better either.

Titus Ovid

Mover and Shaker
I am convinced that they only look at numbers. There is no one analysing customer feedback, no one. They only look at numbers. The only way they will realize this is a joke is when there is no increase in numbers or a decrease.

Most of the people that are ViP already don't care about this, I guess. They are fine with what they have now and then they get a bit more crappy things. As long as that doesn't inconvenience them there won't be any changes.
Only a few will cancel ViP over this, I imagine. And if they do they were on the road already anyway.
And I very much doubt that someone will get ViP because of this because you can have all a lot of those things ingame even without paying real money and the things you get exclusively ... well, those a pretty weak in my eyes. But I am no cosmetic or mount enthusiast and I am far away from maxing out my bank space. So there is nothing in it for me but it might be the bomb for someone else.

I am of the opinion that this won't have a big impact at all and therefore a waste of time and resources. But they won't show the numbers so it is just speculation anyway.



Well-known member
TBH for the last 10 years or so the *only* part of VIP sub that has had any interest at all for me is the Elite unlock during the 3, HC seasons I participated in. I did allow one of the 3 month subs to re-up for another 3 months when daily gold rolls were a thing. Starting a life with stones to jump straight to level 3 was nice for a bit. However, starting a life with enough stones from silver rolls to go straight to level 2 only means I have to spend maybe 20 or 30 min doing a few quests /shrug.

My days of subscribing for other benefits ended when new content became paid expansion packs instead of available only through VIP subscription.

That and the changes to Monk poison immunities when Underdark was released. The ideology behind that change (and subsequent changes we have all witnessed over time) is the main reason I remained un-subbed though.


aka Cybersquirt
If I don't get stupid and spend real USD, the VIP sub is 2-3 games a year (I will probably also buy :p)

Been playing a F2P.. Only thing I miss atm is shared bank and a higher plat limit -- my VIP does unlock. At some point, I may wish I had VIP skip for saga but.. meh.


Well-known member
I think the bags are kind of a joke... a seriously feeble joke (sigh)

Would think this was some kind of 'negotiating' tactic.... low-ball HARD and then SLOOOOOWLY work your way up to the absolute least a client is willing to accept..

I am teh sad

On a further note.... it is now obvious that virtually ANYTHING that was suggested over the last year has been summarily ignored... with staff giving little more than a derisive snort at the very idea that rewards be anything of actual value to the player-base
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Well-known member
--- That's a big one
Month 8: +20 Lesser Heart. I suppose some might go for XP or discovery potion but the rest are newb traps.

--- Decent
Month 1: 500 DDO points
Month 9: +1% chance of named

--- Pretty Weak
Month 2: Legendary Bypass timer. Only thing of any real value.
Month 3: Yawn. Minor account add that only works while VIP
Month 5: Legendary Bypass timer. Only thing of any real value.
Month 6: Cosmetic effect. ( Potentially one not easy to turn off? )
Month 7: Already have a character with maxed out crafting
Month 10: Legendary Bypass timer. Only thing of any real value.
Month 11: Yawn. Minor account add that only works while VIP
Month 12: Mount. I have several.

--- Pathetic
Month 4: Resist Wear 10%. Not even a yawn.

This is a pretty good breakdown.

I don't care about cosmetics and mounts, but many do, so those are fine.
The 2 +5 Shared Account space. Ok, will use them. Nothing to cheer for though.

The stuff in the regular VIP bag is I think what most are irritated with. The fact that they are giving it for 3 different months and there is nothing in there to really consider for most is rubbing people the wrong way. Raiders may like the Legendary Bypass but everything else is really just wasted inventory space. And I am sorry, but the 300 Sentient XP gem is just an insult. 300 out of 210K. Come on, you can do better. Add a 0 to it and it would be a valid use of the bag.

The Crafting and Resist Wear rewards are the real head scratchers. Cannith crafting is not a big aspect of the game. And those that do use it, already have their skill high enough to do what they want with it. And as mentioned before, almost all gear you care about is BtA and thus already immune to permeant item wear.


New member

Will this encourage you to resubscribe? Or be a new subscriber? or is this meh-sauce?

The description isn't clear if you get to keep your vip sparkles and cloud mount if you turn VIP off. Could a dev clarify what happens there? Cloud mount looks cool though.
The amount of thought behind the whole idea can be summed up by "Sentient XP Gem Worth 300 Sentient XP ".
any vanilla item dropping in a lvl30+ quest or wild area gives more sxp...


Well-known member
*shrug* The new QoL spell changing is nice but not enough to sub. The other benefits don't matter too much to me. The Nimbus mount is nice, however...

Too many items are "while VIP", which means you don't get the rewards -- you get the option to lease the rewards.

No way I would pay a sub for a full year to access a mount and not OWN it. And NO you don't really OWN it like other mounts if you can ONLY use it while being VIP, just like the VIP extra character slots or shared bank storage. If it isn't accessible when you go back to being Premium, its not really yours. Bjond's right, you'd be paying for the privilege of leasing it.

This is laughable.

Ludicrous. Especially when you've been playing as long as I have and you remember things like subbing for a month and getting the Alabaster Lioness. Permanently, getting a hireling that actually fights with you in quest... for a one month sub. Now you sub for a year and can get access to a new mount for the last month. Unless you keep subbing. Paying for the privilege to lease.



Well-known member
I wrote a long reply on the good bad and ugly of this system, so I won't rehash here. That being said, this system doesn't exactly leave you "wanting more VIP" each month.

I think the rewards should get progressively better each month, and they don't. As a finance guy, I'd like to see the graph of "up and to the right" rewards, meaning, you start at say +500 ddo points month 1, and every subsequent reward is progressively better each month that you stay VIP. However, I'll go one further, cause i don't even like that model....

Give VIP better bonuses in perpetuity. Make us want to pay for VIP by making it worth it. Mini expansions free to VIP would be a start...teleport to quests...start at lev 4...keep our favor bank space after TR. You know, things that would be nice QOL improvements over non VIP.

300 sentience xp? Come on...
Token for Fred? Are you trying???

I beleive in you SSG!!! Do the right thing by your VIP base. We help keep the lights on ;)


Was Amorais
Kind of insulting to call it a "loyalty" program when SSG seemingly have completely ignored all the feedback from their "loyal" fans. Some of these are a genuine bona-fide insult. 300 sentient xp is like laughing at people. 1% better chance of named loot. Thats something that is likely barely detectable as a benefit without hundreds of hours of analysis. The LoTRO, the other SSG game, gets awesome and useful perks.


Well-known member
Years in the making, tons of player suggestions and this is what was decided on?
Still happy with my decision to drop my sub after many, many years.

The fact that being a loyal subscriber for years means nothing as the timed rewards start in May for everyone.

This is like those really nice cellphone sales but are only good for new customers only.
Existing customers can go pound sand.

I have dropped cell companies for pulling that crap.


Older than Dirt
My question is, does this start over every year? After I get month 12 reward does it roll back to month one and we start over again?


Well-known member
I look at the bang for your buck. , You could spend 100 bucks for the entire year of DDO.
Disclaimer... TY Aelonwy for putting RENT to own in perspective.

With that being said, I am basing this on a person being VIP all the time.

TLDR ~$241 dollars of value.

For each month I am not listing all the item in the VIP bag, just the most expensive, or try to give something a value.

Non-Double Bonus points

Rough price $1.00 per 75 points

Get the easy one out of the way first. DDO Points.

VIP already get 500 points a month times a year... + 6000 DDO point. (6500 / 75) ~ $87 dollars

First Time Sign up

5 shared bank spaces ( 10 shared is 1000 points, so half is ) ~ 500 DDO Points

1- Month
Bonus +500 DDO Points

2- Month

Bag of Many Things
Ethereal Rest Shrine Statuette ~ 700 DDO Points

I would say the Omni Dust because you used to get 50 dust for 50 points.. so 2500 dust is 2500 points... But they are not selling it any more for some reason, but it is in the Trunk you can buy for 3700 DDO points but you get so many other things in that Trunk.. So I am just going with what I can find on the DDO store right now and that is.. Ethereal Rest Shrine Statuette

(Technically the Flawless Siberys Dragonshard (Feat swap token) is most expensive because you can only buy Flawed Siberys Dragonshard from the DDO Store and that is 60 DDO points per.. costs 1,000,000 Flawed Siberys Dragonshard to make one Flawless Siberys Dragonshard so 1 million x 60 DDO points is 60,000,000 ddo points or $800,000 dollars!!!!! :D )

3- Month
Bonus Character Slot ~ 625 DDO Points

4- Month

+10% Item Durability Ward ~ Worthless No DDO Point Value

This is a pointless gift.

5- Month
Bag of Many Things
Ethereal Rest Shrine Statuette ~ 700 DDO Points

6- Month
Lightning Storm Trail ~ 2500 DDO Points

Based on most expensive mount you can buy in DDO store right now.

7- Month
VIP Artisan’s Advantage~ Worthless to 160 DDO points
+10% to Crafting XP. In addition, each time you click a Collectible node you get a chance to gain a Crafting Material Token

I feel this is worthless because how many people sit around and craft nonstop for a year or however long you plan to be a VIP. You can buy 100% potion stack of 10 for DDO 160 points.

8- Month
Greater VIP Bag of Many Things

Lesser Heart of Wood ~
2500 DDO Points

9- Month
VIP Discovery Boost ~ Worthless to 300 DDO Points

Get a +1% increased chance of named loot dropping for your characters in chests that stacks with Elixirs of Discovery.

Just using 10 poitions of the greater treasure +15 to rolls for loot. I dont know what 1% increase chance will be.
According to DDO wiki Running Elite quest gives you 33% chance already, every reaper + is another 1% supposedly if its still accurate.
The potions are supposedly 5% boost. So ... ya.. hard to give value to this.. Want 1 % just run 1 reaper higher than you normally do :D Run R2 instead of R1

10- Month
Bag of Many Things
Ethereal Rest Shrine Statuette ~ 700 DDO Points

11- Month
5 shared bank spaces ( 10 shared is 1000 points, so half is ) ~ 500 DDO Points

12- Month
Storm Cloud Rider Mount ~2500 DDO Points.

Total Sum of Points ~ 11,685 DDO Points or about $155 dollars of value. PLUS dont forget the DDO points you already get 6000 and 500 points $86 Dollars of Value

So my very very rough estimate of the package is about ~$241 dollars of value. For the price of 99 dollar Full year VIP SUB.

Disclaimer... TY Aelonwy for putting RENT to own in perspective.

With that being said, I am basing this on a person being VIP all the time.

I know its very subjective. Its hard to give value to the new mount, and the lightning cosmetic. Its hard to put accurate prices on those because its first time seeing it in the game when it comes. So the COOL FACTOR gives them more value, buts its subjective value.

My biggest issue with this is, claiming the stuff. If you pay them 100 dollars up front, and you dont log in for whatever reason. Maybe you had to run your kids to the Moon and you dont plan to be back for about 6 months. You 100% should be getting those items regardless.
You paid for it, you should better get it. This is something that I feel really needs to change, else its another Vaseline image picture I will put up.
They have the ability to do it, so do it.

Other issue is, the Shared bank space. My biggest beef with SSG is the lack of empathy for bank space. They create all this content and new items, but we have no where to put it. 30 mules is unnaceptable. Logging in and out for hours each day moving gear is unnaccptable.
Also what happens if you let your VIP run out and you lose those 10 shares bank spaces? Where do those items go? Im guessing they just stay there, you can withdraw only until you get back down to your non vip shared bank amount? Im guessing that is what it would be.
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Well-known member
50% exp for _12 hours_.

I also like the +20 heart (on each character? how is this bag thing working...).

I like the trail and the storm cloud.

There are a few things here that I am happy with. 10% durability is a bunch of ********.