U60 Preview of Preview 2 Lammania XP Changes

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Well-known member
That's not quite how optional XP works. It's rewarded as a percentage of the base quest XP without any of the other multipliers attached, VIP, tome of learning (i think) and xp pot still count but none of the bravery, first time, conquest or any other cumulative bonus's. This is why optional XP is so pitiful. Now if it was awarded at the end as another multiplier (not additively) to the base, then it would be much more valuable.

I think this may be a good idea for making optional's worth wild.... Instead of the optional being applied to the base xp, its applied AFTER all the other bonuses.

Any math wizards want to take a stab a that one and see if its right?


I will add it to the list to look at.
The changes are set in stone, the Devs dont play the game, dont know how the players play the game. They just look at data.

The "lag issues" are just an excuse to nerf xp.

The main change for faster completition times in U59 might be the removal of healing penalty. They should reinstate that one thing.

Devs goal is to nerf xp/min, Cordovan had a slip and said the truth, now they are just trying to save face.

Btw, xp pots are now on sale. Lol. Guess who wont buy any of them.


Well-known member
The changes are set in stone, the Devs dont play the game, dont know how the players play the game. They just look at data.

The "lag issues" are just an excuse to nerf xp.

The main change for faster completition times in U59 might be the removal of healing penalty. They should reinstate that one thing.

Devs goal is to nerf xp/min, Cordovan had a slip and said the truth, now they are just trying to save face.

Btw, xp pots are now on sale. Lol. Guess who wont buy any of them.

SSG figured out negating the healing penalty and changing how xp is calculated would pay more dividends. No one buys heal scrolls from the store people buy xp pots from the store.
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