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  1. TedSandyman

    Prison of Planes buggin??? end fight

    Just finished epic without issue. So I dunno.
  2. TedSandyman

    Favor and Reincarnation options

    YES! I agree completely! Finally. Someone said it. Thank you.
  3. TedSandyman

    What the heck is on my screen

    To be fair, it looked really, really stupid to have everyone tumbling everywhere they went.
  4. TedSandyman

    An expansion giveaway does not equal a discovery elixir

    I would rather it be a better percent rather than run longer. I would prefer a +50% or +75% elixir that runs 10 minutes. Give us a percent that really gives a decent chance of actually getting something.
  5. TedSandyman

    Clearwater Diamond Augment "fixed"/nerfed in today's update

    Yeah +14 isn't much in today's game. But +1 is just a ridiculous amount. ALL of those +1s should have been scaled/updated with the increased HP over the years in my opinion. A +25 today would be about the equivalent of +1 back then. Maybe even more.
  6. TedSandyman

    Gatekeeper's grove now has a teleporter

    Yeah, but it broke the ship teleporter. Well not actually broke. It pushed the far shifter menu item off the bottom of the window which means you have to use the arrow keys to access it.
  7. TedSandyman

    Most satisfying character action ingame

    It has got to be breaking boxes. Man that sound, especially when you break a bunch of them together. Any breakable really, they all have different sounds, but they are all great. And the satisfaction of just watching them explode and then all the pieces laying around. When I first started...
  8. TedSandyman

    Video settings seem to be locked now

    Sorry if this has been mentioned. I haven't completely read all of the above posts. My preferences.ini has this: [Render] AllowGammaChanges=True I changed AllowGammaChanges to false and started the game. All of the buttons would act like I could move them but would rubber band back to 1.0...
  9. TedSandyman

    What is the plan for players with more than 156 reaper points?

    How about a reaper TR. You get a really cool cosmetic, I would suggest you become partially transparent but it is cosmetic only. And, in keeping with the idea that the whole point of reaper is to make the game more challenging, your reaper penalties are increased in reaper mode. You can tr...
  10. TedSandyman

    How Many Curse Cleanser Cards have you found?

    Just found my first in a rare chest in the orchard.
  11. TedSandyman

    Are Rogues Just Bad?

    If you don' t sit at endgame, inquisitive thief is one of the more fun classes to level. And it is really easy to do great dps even if you don't have the best equipment in the game. I play one on hardcore and have a great time with it. Is it the best? No. Is it fun? Definitely. I for sure...
  12. TedSandyman

    What's the point of crafting if you can only make the same seemingly random combinations as on looted items?

    It is designed that way. It isn't a free for all where you can just put any effect on any item. Many of the stacking effects wont fit on the same item. Trinkets are pretty flexible, but everything else is limited. Crafting has a few niche effects that can be crafted at low levels. And there...
  13. TedSandyman

    Will DDO increase overall difficulty?

    Power creep = bored players. Continually increasing the power of players will always end in bored people at end game. R10 was supposed to be the solution to this. There is no solution to bored players. Giving them what they want doesn't help because they will either complain that the gear...
  14. TedSandyman

    Petition to have these unneccessary Changes reverted here.

    I think the issue is that the 10% are the people wailing on the forums and the 90% are the people just out there playing the game and having fun. So SSG made a few minor changes. Those happen all the time. I would think people would be used to it by now. If they nerfed this game as much as...
  15. TedSandyman

    To SSG; The endgame and the mountain we climb

    I couldn't agree with your sentiment more. But, in my opinion, it isn't the GRIND that is the problem. It is having a game full of over the top builds that require the massive grind. These stupidly powerful builds require so much investment in time and/or money are the only way to play the...
  16. TedSandyman

    Inquisitive Auto-Search Broken?

    Yes, this is true. Usually if you get anything, just do a manual search to find out if there is more if you don't see a box. But I have seen autosearch show only three or four spikes even though there is more. I have also seen it where sometimes I know there is a trap and I have the auto...
  17. TedSandyman

    Server population should be number 1 priority

    Not a lot of people on Hardcore either. Most have got there easy rewards this season and moved on. There are some on hardcore, but not a lot. If I had to guess at a cause for a recent noticeable drop in population, I would blame another Dungeons & Dragonesque game that came out recently that...
  18. TedSandyman

    No Hardcore In 2024?

    This isn't really correct. There aren't just weak and strong players, there is a whole range. I consider myself a pretty good player in general but I don't have infinite time to grind all the gear and all the extra past lives and therefore don't live the life of the extreme ubers. For a very...
  19. TedSandyman

    Why chain so many quests together, it really destroys party cohesion.

    I have to agree 100% with this. You CAN red door most quests. You CAN rerun quests to help people out. 90% of this game it is possible for you to group with anyone regardless of your flagging status. And for the other 10%, if you really want to group with someone, just rerun the quests. I...