A Message to Our Players From SSG


The Chosen One
Should have given us a new mount... and a variety of XP potions... and some Otto chests... and raider chests... and some treasure potions... and...

Seriously, thanks for the bonuses SSG. :D
Underwhelmed, but not that bothered to be honest.

I would much rather see the details on the many times promised VIP changes - supposedly was coming in Q1, but that has now ended so just appears to have been another episode of dishonesty from SSG. Seems like this is becoming the norm.


Well-known member
See, to me the gift of a Horse in game would be way less valuable since I already have plenty of mounts, and only need one after all. That would be more of a kick in the Nads as you put it.

Here in lies the rub. What one player considers "appropriate" another will see useless, so they can't please everyone all the time. At least they are compensating the players for actual paid benefits that were lost, and then a nice bonus on top.
My man, I initially thanked them for the easy button compensation they gave us.

Then I saw that they gave LOTRO 66% more + a gift worth 2500 points for the same downtime. The parent likes their daughter more than their rambunctious son, so the daughter goes to Harvard and the son winds up a crack addict. The horsey coupon creates a completely unnecessary question of equity between children, not value; getting anything of real value left the station on Monday.

I, too, don't care about a horsey coupon but it's hard to fathom the thinking behind lining your children up and giving one a cookie and the other two and a half.


Well-known member
Like how dragon lords do everything and have everything including stripping

And break the trinity yeah


Well-known member
IMO We are so lucky to have this Game to play. It is like this.

I play the Free version, you're playing for free, you were also given a free code for almost all content that many others have payed for. Content you would have never had unless you to payed for it moving you to a Premium account. IMO (prepaid for any downtime)

Or I Play the Premium version, you play for free except when you wish to purchase items or content to further your game. you also were given a free code for almost all content. That code saved you money IMO (prepaid for any downtime)

Lastly. I play a VIP version you are paying for extra privileges or perks more content is unlocked for you. You are always compensated in some way for downtime.

Looks like I was spot on


Well-known member
I look at it this way: what should they do for two -three days downtime, and compare it to what should they do to prime holiday downtime. They should not be the same, as it does not respect the prime time lost to some. For example: you don't get an Xmas dinner replaced with a mac and cheese voucher.
Ok, about 33% of the people in this world celebrate Easter (of which I am one). Of those, I imagine most of them were celebrating it with their family not planning on spending the entire day(s) in their room playing a game. Calling it a "prime holiday" is a bit excessive. I mean, it's not even recognized as a Federal holiday in the US. The servers going down for two days over Easter weekend is no more impactful for most than them going down for any other weekend.

We all could have (should have) spent the time with family/friends doing something positive for the world rather than adding negativity to it.


The People's Champion
We all could have (should have) spent the time with family/friends doing something positive for the world rather than adding negativity to it.
I tried but the servers were down so I played so single player games rather hangout online with some of my friends. My family and most of my friends are spread across the country (and world) these days relative to my current location (and my local friends were either doing stuff with their families and/or working). And I wasn't travelling for a holiday I don't really care about.


Well-known member
I spent Easter with fam, dealt with a work issue, helped a buddy with an obit and still had plenty of time to update Last Epoch and play a bunch. I’d have paid good money to play such a beautiful, lag free game, but they don’t charge a dime after your initial purchase. Weird.


Well-known member
I feel for the ones that feel slighted.
Except for time playing. Vip's are the only one that lost out by the outage. Free and Premium accounts are owed nothing.
SSG cannot give you your time back.


I do not diminish the efforts to bring the game back up, but agree with parties pointing out this was a holiday weekend, for the reasons they stated it mattered in that context. What I do not understand is why LotRO players get a free mount ( REWARD2024 ) and ddo players got nothing from a code; seems a bit lop-sided. I have no idea why my text went bold-style mid-sentence, please ignore that.

The Narc

Well-known member
We all enjoy the alchemist until its huge nerf comes, as long as we keep the immunity stripping we are all good.


Well-known member
We recognize the significance of this outage, especially over a holiday weekend, and we're truly sorry for any inconvenience it caused. To show our appreciation for your patience and support, we're announcing the following to our players:
We'd like to apologize for the unplanned downtime that occurred this weekend due to an outage at our data center. Our engineering and IT teams worked diligently throughout the weekend to resolve the issues, and we're pleased to report that the problems have been fixed.

We recognize the significance of this outage, especially over a holiday weekend, and we're truly sorry for any inconvenience it caused. To show our appreciation for your patience and support, we're announcing the following to our players:
  • VIP Daily Gold Rolls are extended to April 26th.
  • All VIPs will receive 2 additional days of VIP status to compensate for the downtime. (Changes will take effect on Wednesday, April 3rd. We will confirm when they are implemented.)
  • To further show our gratitude, we are offering the following from April 5th through April 7th:
    • +25% Heroic and Epic XP Boost.
    • +25% Guild Renown.
    • +10 Treasure Hunter Boost.

We deeply appreciate your understanding and continued support. Thank you for being a part of our community and we’ll see you in game!

Website Link: https://www.ddo.com/news/ddo-makegood2024-040224
(We recognize the significance of this outage, especially over a holiday weekend, and we're truly sorry for any inconvenience it caused. To show our appreciation for your patience and support, we're announcing the following to our players: )

I saw very little patience and support

(We deeply appreciate your understanding and continued support. Thank you for being a part of our community and we’ll see you in game!)

And hardly any understanding

(To further show our gratitude, we are offering the following from April 5th through April 7th:
  • +25% Heroic and Epic XP Boost.
  • +25% Guild Renown.
  • +10 Treasure Hunter Boost.)
We were overpaid