Downtime Notice: Thursday, May 25th 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT)


Just from a role play perspective:

Icon always on:
DM: You enter a new room.
Rogue: I look around what do I see.
DM: You see a crumbling floor/pit fall trap.
Party: DM told us there is a trap so lets wait. (This completely removes the action of what the rogue should do)

Icon not existing: (How it should be)
DM: You enter a new room.
Rogue: I look around what do I see.
DM: You see a crumbling floor/pit fall trap.
Rogue: I take action to warn the party of trap and look for ways to disable.

The rogue/trapper should have to take/use that action just like a healer has to actually use his ability to heal. Passive nonsense hurts the real role play aspect.
Not to mention for a dev team that constantly says they are a small team and can only do so much. This was just such a waste of time for a 17 year old game that already had an effective way to quick type out trap/secret doors. (alias's)

Nope. You are using the analogy of pnp D&D. For DDO, it's more:

Icon always on: (How it should be)
DM: You see a crumbling floor/pit fall trap.
Rogue: Hey everyone. There's a trap.

Icon not existing:
DM: You see a crumbling floor/pit fall trap.
Rogue: (silence for several rounds)
Party: <boom> sets off trap
Rogue: Hey guys. You just set off the trap I found but didn't tell you about because I wanted you all to die.

I have no issues whatsoever if players want to turn the icon off for themselves. However, it absolutely should exist and it should not be possible to turn it off for other people.

Jack Jarvis Esquire

Well-known member
If my skills are high enough to detect traps and hidden doors why should you be able to use my skills to see that door or trap... I have worked hard and spent my time and money to be able to do so why should anyone be able to see anything because of my skills, they are my skills after all.
Coz you're in a team?

Why should DPS be able to take advantage of others CC, or tanking, or healing, or..?

Never been in a quest and taken a raise or heal?

Fair enough then. ??

FWIW I'd agree if NOBODY in the party has requisite detection skills, it shouldn't flag to anyone. ?


Well-known member
rogueish subterfuge skills - dont need those

im sure youl have a massive loud annoying capcom style icon over your head on approach
Nah you didn't read the release notes. It's smaller and more original.


Well-known member
This was just such a waste of time for a 17 year old game that already had an effective way to quick type out trap/secret doors. (alias's)
I agree such a waste when the feature is RIGHT THERE!

I utilize a combination of alias commands and the program Voice Attack to semi-automate certain tasks. However, it's undeniably a significant effort to set up and maintain!

Imagine if we could simply bind an alias to a hotkey, allowing us to effortlessly trigger a crucial message in big red letters, such as "STOP TRAP AHEAD," which would instantly notify the entire party in the chat. This would greatly streamline communication and enhance gameplay for many!


Trainer of those who beat dead horses
Your argument is selfish and ill-thought out; if you solo a quest, then nobody else benefits (and they don't need to) but if you are in a party, then your reasoning flies in the face of the concept of multi-player cooperation, which you have agreed to participate in by being in a group. Sure, they are your skills, but conversely if you are dying in a party, you would want help such as healing... imagine if the healer let you die and then wrote in chat "tough, these healing abilities are my abilities after all". That wouldn't be very nice, would it? DnD and DDO promote group questing for a reason. Being selfish about it does you no credit.

EDIT: in a purely RP context, if the party trapper spotted a danger, they would [normally] alert the group; the idea of being useful. The new icons/sounds enables such party communication.
Wrong...just wrong.

If I notice a trapped chest or locked door (because of my training and skills), why should everyone else be made aware of it unless I choose to make them aware of it (maybe by stopping and looking around, ie. searching.). If they choose to disregard my actions, they do so at their own peril.

As far as the healing argument, you defeated/contradicted yourself later in the paragraph when you talked about DDO promoting group questing (ie. Trappers disable traps and healers heal), if you have healing abilities and you see another party member gushing blood, you don't need them to tell you that they need healing, much like you don't need the Rogue to tell you "there's a trap ahead" when they stop moving and start searching.


Well-known member
@SSG, The new Icon is much better. I still don't care to see it flash above my head and the pulsing of it is unneeded. But it is better for sure.

The noise is much lower as well, but that still does not solve the problem of its annoyance. Imagine going through Undermine and having to hear that click/ping 400 times. Or one of the Slavers quests, where there are dozens of pot mines. The constant chiming is annoying at best, distracting for most and irksome for the rest.

The whole thing needs a toggle off/on. If not for the icon, then please, please for the sound.