Well-known member
The removed it because it was not being used the way they intended for it to be used and made the content negligible and favor farming way too easy for the average joes, thereby making ddo points too easy to get which cuts out of the profit margin.
Edit: it also made reaper xp and loot farming easy too, all of which SSG obviously didnt like the pace at which this easy button allowed these said things to be accomplished
I am happy to see this easy button go.
It didnt see it having such a significant impact on game play. Your point about it probably cutting into profit margin. Could be.. No spell point cast to have an aura aoe heal come from you ever 4 or 5 seconds , whatever it was. Hardly a game changer mechanic wise though.
Regardless it was removed and my point I made is more towards, there are X more important things that need to be fixed in the game, and they just figure to toss this one in there. The time it takes to just think about changing stuff, could be time they try figuring out more pressing issues.
But since they did do an ED revamp and restructure, I am sure they went over all of them and said, yup this one can go.
I dont recall them saying why. Maybe they posted it some where and I didnt see it.