DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th


Lion of Orien
-thought about helping my wife spread mulch (until I decided that it was a crappy job to do.......)

Sooooooo, not a bad Saturday, but I still want to play DDO with the wife (What is taking her so long?!?)
Seems like you left her with too mulch work to do.


Well-known member
Oddly, I am relieved. When I first tried to log-in, I got hung-up on the nefarious "installing perquisites" screen in the launcher, and thought, "welp, there are only about 40 recommended, sometimes-work band aids for this problem, and none of them make any sense to me......"

Anyway, nice to know the team is on top of things and I don't have to spend the next three days dinkin' around with my PC :)
I was actually going through that list of work-arounds when I found this post too. Only for DDO will I figure "it's one of numerous issues" before "check to see the servers are down". >.<


Well-known member
He can fix it. He can do everything!!