Downtime Notice: Wednesday, February 28th 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT)


Well-known member
Also technically speaking the double cursing method isn't really an exploit since you temporarily remove the first curse applied to an item...temporarily but it's still removed. Seems WAI to me.

Because it's true? The effect is temporarily removed from the item using something easily accessible in the game and making you able to curse it again. How is that an exploit?
The deck says "This can only be performed once per item" so your rules lawyering is based on a incorrect reading. It is an exploit to put a second curse on intentionally.

The Narc

Well-known member
I agree (for cleanser duping) but a part of me also says that if at this time SSG still has not fixed the duping problems then that is on them. How can this still be a thing so many years later? The fact that SSG doesn't invest time in recoding to prevent duping tells me that they seem to care about this less than we do.
If that is true, the only place i can see them liking it for is the potential money they could be making of astral shard purchases for the astral shard auction purchase of said items.

I mean it would even be possible for them to be creating the extra cleansers and posting them on dev sock accounts to try and drain astral shards from the economy.

I know tinfoil hat concept but it is in the realm of possibility.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Just add curse cleanser cards to the anniversary vendor for 250 party favors each; so I can claim a dozen Kobold jewels while others are fixing their gear...
Yes! I am also fixated on the Kobold's "jewels." Oh ... wait ... sorry ... thought this was the BG3 forums. :sneaky:

Jack Jarvis Esquire

Well-known member
Thx Onyxia2016

I wasnt going to be baited into a response anyways, but it is appreciated that you can see the overbloated unrealism of my suggested punishment as nothing more than that, i mean really do we have gladiator rings?!?
Do I feel a ***** throwing competition coming on? 🙄



Well-known member
Almost. We’ll know the game is fully balanced when every nuker has quit the game.
No. The game will only be fully BALANCED when every class can Self-heal, Nuke, CC, Summon, Turn into a bear/wolf, Use any item, Insta-kill, etc. All from the safety of their airship.

The LACK of balance is what makes D&D (and DDO as the red-headed stepchild of it) great.

If you push too hard for BALANCE and get it you will end up with ONE race and ONE class. That would certainly be a great game.
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Well-known member
Can definitely see this update going down as one of the most hated in the history of DDO updates. At the very least in the top 5.
Hmmm updates I found very distasteful... the original Epic Destiny Revamp, still miss some of how it was before... so still salty about this one. The stat squish, which while initially painful did end up far better than expected. Surprisingly. Still wish we didn't have to go beyond 30, we finally had what I considered a healthy endgame. Store changes update? I consider the new store worse than the old one in most ways. 64bit client update? all the z-fighting graphic bugs give me a headache. Wasn't happy with the update that nerfed warlock like what was it 5? 6 ways? some of that was unnecessary. Same with Inquisitive. Ranged update that put IPS in the why bother? category just to make their All-New Horizon Walker look shiny? Its not like we can't see the obvious.


Well-known member
I really hate having to reset all my character's. But after reading this update's notes, I see no hope of avoiding it.

On another topic, I never go for anything in a new update they are ALL BUGGED everyone should wait for at least the first patch to fix the mistakes that are in them, also if you exploit the mistakes you end up screwed. I put one curse on an item and thought this sucks. To many curses that I don't want or need and no cleansing cards to get rid of them. I thought to many ways to get burnt here, then I heard about some Items getting double or tripple cursed yep yep knew this was coming. So I sold all my cards as i got them. best decision I ever made. So now you all got burnt again. tisk tisk, you really need to learn from this.


Well-known member
No. The game will only be fully BALNCED when every class can Self-heal, Nuke, CC, Summon, Turn into a bear/wolf, Use any item, Insta-kill, etc. All from the safety of their airship.

The LACK of balance is what makes D&D (and DDO as the red-headed stepchild of it) great.

If you push too hard for BALANCE and get it you will end up with ONE race and ONE class. That would certainly be a great game.
This is the greatest game ever created and i can prove it simply by stating, Your here i am here we might complain but were not leaving.