We are curious to get your thoughts!


now if you could do City State of the Invincible Overlord stuff, that would be something. I like Judges Guilds stuff, so did the D&D founders.

I could see a War of the Temples saga using some of the existing DDO quests as a base and be an opportunity to expand the list of gods while adding some new religious politics favor mechanics and add a Temple district to the city. That was always big in PnP but DDO has only glossed over it.

I am sure in today's world where some people are screaming racism for preferring humans over orcs, some people will hate the idea. But then, how is it not racist to not have any orc gods or evil gods?

Today there are far too many people that are just interested shallow stories with no plots that are full of uber-loot. Intrigue, politics, and subterfuge are core to any simulation of living communities and dead ones too.


Im a big fan of Planescape Torment and would love to see how Sigil and the planes are represented in DDO. Also, the planes are a very important part of DDO's universe, and I would be thrilled to be able to adventure not just in the planes themselves, but in the quasi-planes as well. In terms of money, I would seriously be willing to pay full price for a Planescape expansion provided the reviews give it enough praise, and paying full price for an expansion is something I have never done with DDO before.

One other expansion that should be seriously considered is Lowerdark content from the forgotten realms. To team up with the drow or other underdark factions in order to keep the lowerdark from swallowing all of the forgotten realms is quite tempting. I would be curious to adventure in the underdark to witness and experience it's dangers and dark wonders firsthand from the environment itself to it's natural occupants and even other factions both native and non-native to the underdark.


Tyrannical Overlord
Sigil all the way! But you have to put in hidden dimension doors that can be found for secret rooms. With horizon walker being able to automatically find these doors!

Sophie The Cat Burglar

Exotic Items Recovery Specialist
For me, the setting is of far less importance than the story and tone.

I want a serious action drama where every single supporting character behaves in a realistic way as events unfold.
I want a somewhat complicated plot with intrigue and surprises.
At the very end, I want the ultimate villain to die horribly and permanently by my hand. I want to plunge my dagger in his heart.
I do not want the story to be about me, per se, but my actions should ultimately make the world a better place.
I do not want to constantly be reacting to the villain's evil scheme. About halfway through the story arc, I want to start turning the tables and go on the offensive. I want the villain to be very scared by this fact and become progressively more desperate.
At the end, I want a clear, triumphant win that makes me feel good.

Those things could happen in any of the campaign settings in the survey.

Gyuma Bei

Well-known member
PS:T still holds a place in the hearts of many RPG players. As far as I know ...
I've never heard of that "lost mine" and neither of that Ravenloft thing, as well.
Lost Mine of Phandelver is the included quest and mini-hub in the D&D 5th Edition Starter kit.

Gyuma Bei

Well-known member
Myth Drannor opens up a LOT of FR options. Since Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter are locked tight with other games, Myth Drannor is a good option.

It's connected to the Dales and was an ally of Cormyr (before the fall) which is the kingdom Eveningstar and Wheloon are under. And if nothing else, it's a chance to revisit the Eye of the Beholder games (particularly the third one). And, hey, if we can't have Drizzt show up, Alias of the Azure Bonds is a good second option (and she has a cuter butt).



Well-known member
Fill out this survey on SurveyMonkey today! We'll take responses through August 4th.
So I'm going to be honest. I know Severlin really loves the Gith, but if we're getting Gith I'd really want it to be an expansion like:

Pre-quest involving the Dreaming Dark. Leading into the Astral Plane with the help of Kalashtar. Then Astral plane and Gith.

Launch the Kalashtar as a F2P race (even if you just made them a Human Variant with psionic bonuses, similar to how Wood Elves work) in the pre-patch. And Gith as the premium expansion race. Because not all of us are fans of the Gith and the Kalashtar are a missing core race for Eberron. And we all know a Gith/Astral expansion is a precursor to Psionics.
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Well-known member
My 2 cents in addition to the survey:
Add Psionic class, at the same time you can add a Heroic and Iconic of Mindflayer. then you can also do a Destiny tree for it also.

Also Waterdeep/Undermountain as an option.


Myth Drannor...
I so loved that setting, it was edge of the seat game play throughout the whole campaign.
It was during the days of 2nd edition and my Helf Wiz Rogue lost a lot of primo stuff in one fell swoop when the following items failed saving throws. Hat of Disguise, Short sword of back stabbing, Figurines of Wondrous Power (A pair of lions), Ioun Stone of dex +1, a +3 Dagger, a sling of seeking +2. A couple of wands and a couple of potions. All poof, the worst couple of minutes of dice rolling in my entire D&D career.
Seems to me I am forgetting another item but MD with trepidation. However, I am positive I would love it.